We are excited to announce the official Angeline Academy Archers PTSA! We are in the process of becoming our own charter, but before that can happen, we need at least 10 people to become members. A member can be a parent, teacher, administrator, or student. The cost to become a PTSA member is $6.00. You can sign up and donate directly to the PTSA using the link below.

PTSA Membership Link: https://pascoccpta.givebacks.com/w/charters

Being our inaugural year, the PTSA is looking forward to working with parents, teachers, staff and students to chart the course of what the PTSA  will stand for and accomplish at Angeline!

Please be on the lookout for our first PTSA meeting dates! And, if you are interested in holding a leadership position on the PTSA, please reach out to AngelinePTSA@gmail.com.