School Mission
At Angeline Academy of Innovation, we cultivate curious, critical thinkers who build a set of skills and knowledge that inspires students to pursue STEM-related careers, tackle real-world problems, and build a brighter future for our community and themselves.

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Post-Milton Athletics Updates
Athletic Activities Resume 10/15 Here are the updates to the Athletic schedules for the following sports! Please reach out to coaches with any specific questions! HS...

ASVAB (Armed Services Vocations Aptitude Battery) Oct 31
Students in grades 10 - 12 may sign up to take the ASVAB on 10/31/24. The ASVAB may be taken for military eligibility or as a career interest tool. The deadline to sign...
IMPORTANT PSAT October 29 – Information
On Tuesday, October 29, (rescheduled from October 9) we will be administering the PSAT PSAT/NMSQT All students in grade 10 will be scheduled at no cost. PSAT/NMSQT:...
Come Share Your Professional Experience with our Students
Guest Speaker Survey We are seeking parents, family members, and community partners who have jobs or businesses that are related to our pathways and may be interested...
Exciting PTSA Information!
We are excited to announce the official Angeline Academy Archers PTSA! We are in the process of becoming our own charter, but before that can happen, we need at least...
Scheduling FAQ
M/J INSTRU ENS = Instrumental Ensemble, a modern music course including guitar, piano, bass, and drum. CPTR APPL BUS = Computer Applications in Business, a computer...
A-B Block Schedule
ABC Program Application
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Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.