School Advisory Council (SAC) Information

SAC Meetings are open to all parents, students, staff and community members. We value your input!  All meetings are held at 2:30 p.m. in the AAI Media Center.

Meeting Dates:  February 15th, March 14th, April 11th, May 16th

MS TEAMS link available! Reach out to and ask to be added to our email list to be notified about future meeting links and agendas.

You may also use our email address above to share suggestions for possible SAC agenda items! We look forward to hearing from you!

SAC Meeting Flyer

Scubanauts International Informational Meeting

Would you love to explore the underwater world? Do you want to learn more about the ocean and its abundant life? Are you interested in becoming a scientific diver? Please join us for a Scubanauts International informational meeting Tuesday, February 13 at 6:00pm in the AAI Media Center. All interested students between the ages of 12-18 are welcome to attend!

Scubanauts Flyer


Toy Drive Donation December 4 – 8, 2023

Please join the First Priority club as we try to bring extra smiles to kids during the Holidays!

  • When: December 4-8, 2023
  • Where: Mrs. Tedeschi’s room (263)
  • Other Information: Toys must be new, but do not have to be wrapped or expensive.