AmSkills Field Trip – November 1st (High School Only)

Archers in High School are invited to attend a half-day field trip to AmSkills on November 1st. Learn about STEM-related careers & apprenticeship opportunities. Students will see a variety of advanced equipment and learn how they are used in careers related to our pathway programs.

In order, to attend, you must do the following by October 25

We are taking the FIRST 100 STUDENTS who submit the REQUEST FORM and ALL THREE FIELD TRIP FORMS.


















Florida League of Mayors Essay

Coach Hack has information on the Florida League of Mayors essay writing contest that any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade students may enter. Win $1,000 for first place. Coach Hack will be your mentor/coach for the essay writing entry for the contest. If you are interested please see Coach Hack in room 161 or email him at If your are interested please see Coach Hack as soon as possible to start the process writing your essay.

Scheduling FAQ

M/J INSTRU ENS = Instrumental Ensemble, a modern music course including guitar, piano, bass, and drum.

CPTR APPL BUS = Computer Applications in Business, a computer business course

M/J COMPRESC = Comprehensive Science (may include a number or ACCHON, indicating accelerated honors)

M/J COMP SCI DISC = Computer Science Discoveries, an introduction to computer science course

EXP HEALTH SCI PROF = Explorations of the Health Science Profession

EX/EXP prefix = Explorations

M/J prefix = Middle school course

HON suffix = Honors course

ADV suffix = Advanced course


AAI Summer Camp 2024

STEM Summer Institute at Angeline Academy of Innovation

A week long summer experience for middle schoolers where the dynamic world of art meets energetic play and exploration! This unique camp ignites the imagination through hands-on interaction with paint, engineering, research, and art. The camp will promote a combination of physical activity and academic thinking, ensuring a balanced blend of movement and artistic expression.

Please see flyer for more information.